Our Head Mistress
The most beautiful thing in this world is to see your parents smiling and knowing that you’re the reason behind that smile. One of the best feelings of accomplishment is knowing you’ve made your parents proud and that the thought of you raises their head in happiness. However, it’s not very easy to achieve this awesome feeling.
You should always respect your parents. As they always keep your happiness and needs above their own. There are countless things they do for you and you will never be able to pay back for their favours. God himself cannot live on earth so he created parents. Your parents are the only ones who will love you always. No one in the world will love you more than them. Respect their love because you are lucky to have them.
Parents always support you no matter what. In all good times and the bad, parents will always be at your side and provide you with everything they could.
One of the universal truths is that Parents are always proud of their children by default. That’s an inbuilt quality in them. They always appreciate their children. They always admire their hard work and dedication. Many a times they might not show it to them, but they really take pride in them often. So children must acknowledge everything that their parents have done for them.
Be grateful for the hardwork they put in to raise you and give you the best life they were able to. There are certain qualities that they expect from you or any ideal child. And those are :
- Spend time with your parents & grand parents.
- Never argue
- Accept your mistakes
- Be a helpful son or daughter
- Work hard in school
- Be grateful
- Always try your level best.
Ms.Ramandeep Kaur